Dr. Barbra Angel's books & CDs

E-BOOK "An Angel's Healing Music” in English + healing music
Book trailer
50 PLN/12.99USD

Paperback edition available on AMAZON

E-BOOK "Kamertony i muzykoterapia w leczeniu dźwiękiem” in Polish
50 PLN /12.99USD

E-BOOK "An Angel's Healing Music” in English + healing music
Book trailer
50 PLN/12.99USD

Paperback edition available on AMAZON

E-BOOK "Kamertony i muzykoterapia w leczeniu dźwiękiem” in Polish
50 PLN /12.99USD


E-BOOK "Muzykoterapia dogłębna-komórkowa" in Polish
32 PLN/7.99USD

E-BOOK "Tune&Heal Cell Resonance Therapy (CRT)"

E-BOOK "Muzykoterapia dogłębna-komórkowa" in Polish
32 PLN/7.99USD


E-BOOK "Tune&Heal Cell Resonance Therapy (CRT)"

"Muzikoterapie Ladičky a léčení zvukem" book in Czech and Slovak
Traditional version of the book unavailable/Tradycyjna wersja książki niedostępna
50 PLN/12.99 USD
Gospel CD mp3 “God let me change the world”
35 PLN/8.99 USD


CD mp3 “The Touch of the Angel I” with relaxing, calming music. It can help with insomnia and is great for babies to fall asleep or meditate
50 PLN/12.99 USD
50 PLN/12.99 USD

Traditional double Gopel album 2xCD "God let me change the world" (EN)+ (PL)
Listen in Polish / Listen in English
Order by email / Zamów poprzez email
(50PLN+przesyłka / 12.99USD+shipping)
Order by email / Zamów poprzez email
(50PLN+przesyłka / 12.99USD+shipping)
CD mp3 "CARPE DIEM" Healing Pythagorean Tuning 432Hz, includes F. Chopin's Prelude e-minor new arrangement
50 PLN/12.99 USD


CD mp3 “The touch of the Angel & the Nature voices” with relaxing, calming music; it helps with insomnia or falling asleep (great for babies!)
50 PLN/12.99 USD


CD mp3 “Chakra Music Therapy” balances your energy centers thanks to the songs written in 432Hz
Listen (abhören):
"Steps to heaven" (7 czakra)
50 PLN/12.99 USD
50 PLN/12.99 USD

CD mp3 “Theta waves” 70 minutes – brain hemispheres balancing meditation music; helps to attract the goal faster
50 PLN/12.99 USD


CD mp3 “Theta waves” 70 minutes – brain hemispheres balancing meditation music; helps to attract the goal faster
50 PLN/12.99 USD


CD mp3 “Managing Menopause” guided meditation – hypnosis - helps to release menopause symptoms(PL+EN)
50 PLN/12.99 USD


CD mp3 from the book An Angel's Healing Music
25 PLN/6.99USD


CD mp3 from the book An Angel's Healing Music
25 PLN/6.99USD

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