Cell Resonance Therapy Research Center


        “When two systems are oscillating at different frequencies, there is an impelling force called resonance that causes the two to transfer energy from one to another. When two similarly tuned systems vibrate at different frequencies, there is another aspect of this energy transfer called entrainment, which causes them to line up and to vibrate at the same frequency” Richard  Gordon
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Everything in the world is a vibration. Each thing operates at its unique frequency to maintain balance and stability. If the frequency of an organ or emotion is too high or too low, it is out of balance; there is disease. The Tune&Heal CRT method uses RESONANCE with the power of Music Therapy, the Five Elements theory, energy centers, and the five senses of human being (homeostasis) to restore the organ or emotion to its proper frequency. It creates resonance with the vibration of sound (voice, music, tuning forks) to simultaneously heal the human body, mind, and spirit. Recent findings now embrace resonance and vibration as the next leap in quantum physics and human development.

Sound Therapy and Cellular Resonance Therapy Research currently represent heterogeneous but growing fields. In their clinical work, Cellular Resonance Therapists or Sound/Music Therapists experience sound vibration as an effective tool in treating various illnesses. Despite this clinical observation, it is necessary in modern societies and current healthcare systems to prove the effectiveness and efficacy of psychological and medical treatments. There is an urgent need to apply empirical research methods to study the ingredients of cell resonance therapy or sound therapy in general. 
However, different approaches reveal that music is associated with many biological, psychological, and sociocultural phenomena in human life. Concerning these aspects, one can conclude that knowledge of working factors is close to evidence-based because the field of outcome studies is growing, undermining the clinical experience of cell resonance therapists and allied professions that sound frequency represents a valuable tool in the treatment of different mental, somatic, and physical diseases. In clinical observation, the therapeutic use of sound operating on a cellular level (CRT) often seems adequate and beneficial.  Last but not least, CRT research presents:

BEFORE: The unhealthy blood, with red cells all stuck together like stacks of coins, means that the heart has difficulty pumping blood and can not carry oxygen very well. The red cells are distorted with spiked skin and some dark spots, and the plasma has web-like fibers - candida, worms, parasites, etc.- moving through the fluid.
AFTER: Healthy blood after 10 minutes of Tune&Heal CRT session. When healthy, The red blood cells look uniformly round and float freely in the plasma like balloons, which means the red cells can easily carry oxygen throughout the body. Cancer cells, viruses, and germs do not like oxygen, and a clean environment obtained by cleansing and detoxing kills them. The difference between this picture and the one above is as evident as the answer to disease. Each sample told a story of the health of the individual.

Sound also powerfully influences the human brain, and profound changes occur while listening to music or sound, especially during the in-depth cellular therapy session with CRT.


Cancer and Sound?
Look at Fabien Maman's research - the sound wave eliminates human cancer HeLa cells. This research inspired our CRT anti-cancer technique. However, it uses the Pythagorean scale and dissonance additionally. It is beneficial in cancer treatment, along with traditional medicine. Fig.41 indicates a cancer cell explosion and rupture of the cell nucleus. Healthy cells remain intact, additionally nourished and strengthened. This discovery suggests the determining role of sound vibration, acting directly at the most subtle level of the human body - in transforming the cell structure.
Masaru Emoto also did fantastic research. It shows how a drop of water is influenced by a sound or a word (a word is a sound, too). We are bare-built water in 75% and our blood in 85%, so it is very important what words we use or what kind of music we listen to.

Learn 10 Positive Benefits Of Listening To Music (Sound), According to Science
Kendall Deflin |

Why do we live for live music? On the molecular level, research shows that listening to music improves our mental well-being and physical health. Here is a list of 10 benefits of listening to music:

1. Music/Sound Increases Happiness
This might seem obvious, but the natural chemical reasoning is pretty incredible to think about. If you need an emotional boost, let it be known that it only takes 15 minutes of listening to your favorite tunes to get a natural high. This is because your brain releases dopamine, which increases feelings of happiness, excitement, and joy when you listen to music you like.

2. Music/Sound Improves Performance in Running
If that’s what you’re into… Scientists found that runners who listened to fast or slow motivational music ran faster than runners who listened to calm music (or ran without music) in an 800-meter dash. The key to enhancing your running performance lies in the choice of music that inspires you to move forward.

3. Music/Sound Decreases Stress While Increasing Overall Health
Music has a direct effect on our hormones. Listening to music you enjoy decreases levels of the hormone cortisol in your body, counteracting the effects of chronic stress. Stress causes 60% of all illnesses and diseases, so lower stress levels mean higher chances of overall well-being.
One study even showed that a group of people playing various percussion instruments and singing boosted immune systems compared to passively listening. In contrast, both groups’ health was positively affected by music; the group playing instruments and/or singing had better results.
Turn on some music and sing along for maximum benefits on a stressful day. Don’t be shy about breaking out the air guitar!

4. Music/Sound Improves Sleep
Over 30% of Americans have insomnia. A study showed that listening to classical or relaxing music within an hour of bed significantly improves sleep, compared to listening to an audiobook or doing nothing before bed. Since we know music can directly influence our hormones, it only makes sense to throw on some Beethoven (or Dark Side of The Moon?) before bed when needing a good night’s sleep.

5. Music/Sound Reduces Depression
Music directly affects our hormones; it can even be considered a natural antidepressant. Specific tunes cause the release of serotonin and dopamine (neurotransmitters) in the brain, which leads to increased feelings of happiness and well-being. They also release norepinephrine, a hormone that invokes feelings of euphoria.
More than 350 million people suffer from depression around the world, and 90% of them also experience insomnia. The above research also found that symptoms of depression only decreased in the group that listened to classical or relaxing music before going to bed.
Another study demonstrated that certain types of music can benefit patients with depressive symptoms. Interestingly, while classical and relaxing music increased positive moods, techno, and heavy metal brought people down even more.

6. Music/Sound Helps You Eat Less
According to research, combining soft lighting and music leads people to consume less food (and enjoy it more). Music as the next trending diet? Sounds easy enough!

7. Music/Sound Elevates Your Mood While Driving
Who isn’t guilty of blasting Phish on the highway? A study found that listening to music positively influences your mood while driving, which leads to safer behavior and less road rage. So be sure to turn up the “Reba” jams!

8. Music Strengthens Learning And Memory
Researchers say listening to music can also help you learn and recall information more efficiently. However, it depends on the degree to which you like the music and whether or not you play an instrument. A study showed that musicians learned better with neutral music but tested better with music they liked. In contrast, non-musicians learned better with upbeat music but tested better with neutral music. Therefore, the degree of performance differentiates between learning and memory for musicians and non-musicians.

9. Music/Sound Increases Verbal Intelligence
A study showed that 90% of children between the ages of 4 and 6 had significantly increased verbal intelligence after only a month of music lessons, where they learned about rhythm, pitch, melody, and voice. The results suggest that the music training had a “transfer effect” that increased the children’s ability to comprehend words and, even more, explain their meaning. Another study showed similar results in musically trained adult women and children who outperformed a group without music training on verbal memory tests.

10. Music/Sound Raises IQ and Academic Performances
Research suggests that music lessons predetermine young children's high academic performance and IQ scores. The study surveyed a group of 6-year-olds who took keyboard or vocal lessons in small groups for 36 weeks. The results showed they had significantly more significant increases in IQ and standardized educational test results over that time than children who took other extracurricular activities unrelated to music. The singing group showed the most improvement.

In addition to these 10 reasons, there are so many more, including decreases in pain thresholds, the relaxing nature it provides to patients before and after surgery, increasing memory pathways for patients with Alzheimer’s, the improvement of recovery time for patients who suffered a stroke, the ability to keep your brain healthy in old age, to name a few. Music does serve as a therapy for all, whether as medicine in a hospital or a heartache on a rainy day.
Our scientific understanding of music's effects on our brains is only starting to take shape; there’s still much more to learn. So remember, “If you get confused, just listen to the music play!”

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