Premium quality tuning forks for Tune&Heal™ Cell Resonance Therapy (CRT) best results
Dear customers,
You can purchase our products through the links below. The prices include tax.
You can pay in dollars, euros, or other currencies.
However, to receive the package, sometimes you will need to pay international shipping additionally (35-55 USD).
Please make sure to include your full address and phone number with your order. If you need an invoice, please include your company ID number.
Customers from the USA, Canada, or Mexico can also make purchases through the provided links or our Amazon store (shipping and tax will be added).
If you encounter any problems, please feel free to email us at tune8heal@gmail.com.
All our Tune&Heal™ Tuning Forks and AcuForks are specifically recommended by the creator of the method Dr. Barbra Angel for use with her Cellular Resonance Therapy (CRT) techniques.
These handmade forks are manufactured using premium alloys and special processes to create the precise vibrations needed to restore human cells to a healthy state.
Many tuning forks available on the market, even those that look similar to ours, are often not well-tuned and unsuitable for CRT techniques. These inferior forks can lead to unexpected results. For example, a longer leg on the fork or a special "hole" for the index finger in OT tuning forks (AcuForks) are crucial for point techniques, as they help protect the wrist, prolong the sound, and make the forks easier to hold.
The Tune&Heal™ tuning forks and AcuForks are designed and patented by Dr. Barbra Angel, the founder of Tune&Heal and the creator of the method.
Most CRT practitioners or clients begin with a Harmonic set and the 64Hz frequency for acupuncture and acupressure points.
As their practice develops, they often expand their collection to enhance their healing capabilities for themselves and their clients.
Each of our tuning fork sets includes an activator and a case. Our AcuForks (larger tuning forks) do not require activators, as they can be struck using the palm or thigh muscles.
There are two options to order our handcrafted tuning forks:
1. Use the links below
2. Visit our Tune&Heal™ AMAZON STORE for USA, MEXICO, CANADA

Dear customers,
You can purchase our products through the links below. The prices include tax.
You can pay in dollars, euros, or other currencies.
However, to receive the package, sometimes you will need to pay international shipping additionally (35-55 USD).
Please make sure to include your full address and phone number with your order. If you need an invoice, please include your company ID number.
Customers from the USA, Canada, or Mexico can also make purchases through the provided links or our Amazon store (shipping and tax will be added).
If you encounter any problems, please feel free to email us at tune8heal@gmail.com.
All our Tune&Heal™ Tuning Forks and AcuForks are specifically recommended by the creator of the method Dr. Barbra Angel for use with her Cellular Resonance Therapy (CRT) techniques.
These handmade forks are manufactured using premium alloys and special processes to create the precise vibrations needed to restore human cells to a healthy state.
Many tuning forks available on the market, even those that look similar to ours, are often not well-tuned and unsuitable for CRT techniques. These inferior forks can lead to unexpected results. For example, a longer leg on the fork or a special "hole" for the index finger in OT tuning forks (AcuForks) are crucial for point techniques, as they help protect the wrist, prolong the sound, and make the forks easier to hold.
The Tune&Heal™ tuning forks and AcuForks are designed and patented by Dr. Barbra Angel, the founder of Tune&Heal and the creator of the method.
Most CRT practitioners or clients begin with a Harmonic set and the 64Hz frequency for acupuncture and acupressure points.
As their practice develops, they often expand their collection to enhance their healing capabilities for themselves and their clients.
Each of our tuning fork sets includes an activator and a case. Our AcuForks (larger tuning forks) do not require activators, as they can be struck using the palm or thigh muscles.
There are two options to order our handcrafted tuning forks:
1. Use the links below
2. Visit our Tune&Heal™ AMAZON STORE for USA, MEXICO, CANADA

Tune&Heal™ Tuning Forks

C-256 Hz and G-384 Hz Tuners (included in the Harmonic Scale Set) - $190.00 + Shipping and Handling
C and G = HARMONY. These create the special interval in sound therapies called the Perfect Fifth. The C & G tuners are a wonderful way to begin exploring tuning forks and CRT method.


Harmonic Scale 8 Set (Pythagorean tuning) $430.00 + Shipping and Handling
C-256 Hz, D-288 Hz, E-320 Hz, F-341.3 Hz, G-384 Hz, A-432Hz, B-480 Hz, C-512 Hz. We use this set for 4 basic techniques: 1) detoxification – for chakra energy regulation and cleaning auras; 2) for special anti-cancer technique; 3) to find your healing frequency; and, 4) interval technique and CG technique. This is Pythagoras’ scale including A-432Hz.


AcuFork 128Hz (*pending patent) - $152.00 + Shipping and Handling
Best for face lift, acupressure and acupuncture points.
AcuFork 128Hz, AcuFork 64Hz, or AcuFork 32Hz (saperated) are the three Tuners with a different octaves of the note "C". They resonate with the deeper tones of the Earth and can be very effective when placed on the Acupuncture and Acupressure points or spine. The sound vibrates directly into the bones to relax, align, and restore "tone" to body cells and tissues. While used on acupuncture or acupressure points, they can help with almost 250 different health problems as acupuncture does. The AcuForks’ special design with the “whole”, large size, and long leg helps to hold it properly without making the wrist tired.

AcuFork 64Hz - $194.00 (*pending patent) + Shipping and Handling
Ligaments, tendons, and joints frequency work with bone recovery, rehabilitation,


AcuFork OT32 Hz - $204.00 (*pending patent) + Shipping and Handling

The Organ Set – 15 Tuning Forks $654.00 + Shipping and Handling
The Organs Tuning Forks are a set of 15 forks, one for each of the major organs and essential parts of the physical body. These forks are tuned to the frequencies of healthy human tissue.
Blood – E 321.9 Hz
Adrenals – B 492.8 Hz
Gall Bladder – E 164.3 Hz
Kidneys – Eb 319.88 Hz
Pancreas – C# 117.3
Liver – Eb 317.83 Hz
Stomach – A 110 Hz
Bladder – F 352 Hz
Brain – Eb 315.8 Hz
Intestines – C# 281 Hz
Fat Cells – C# 295.8 Hz
Lungs – A 220 Hz
Muscles – E 324 Hz Hz
Colon – F 176 Hz
Bones – Ab 418.3 Hz


Anti/Cellulitis & Anti/Fat set: Fat Cells 295.8 Hz and Muscles 324 Hz Set - $197.00 + Shipping and Handling
Would you like to lose weight and at the same time remain firm and beautiful body?
Working with muscle & fat frequency together you can get the shape you dream of!

Thyroid help set: Iodine 424 Hz and Thyroid (Adnerals) 492,8 Hz to work with hormonal problems - $197.00 + Shipping and Handling
Working with muscle & fat frequency together you can get the shape you dream of!


Thyroid help set: Iodine 424 Hz and Thyroid (Adnerals) 492,8 Hz to work with hormonal problems - $197.00 + Shipping and Handling


Angel – 3 Tuning Forks - $184.00 + Shipping and Handling
The Angel Tuning Forks are a unique set of three high-pitched tuning forks. These exquisite forks open our souls to the Angelic Kingdom. By making the sound we attract our special guardian angels to our life. Children love to play with these forks and get calm and balanced. These angel forks can help to clean the energy in the rooms or buildings. They do not have names so be sure to give them.... They will tell you...
1. Angel I 4225 Hz
2. Angel II 4160 Hz
3. Angel III 4096 Hz
1. Angel I 4225 Hz
2. Angel II 4160 Hz
3. Angel III 4096 Hz


OM 136.1 Hz - $160.00 + Shipping and Handling
Achieve a state of deep relaxation in seconds with the primordial vibrations of OM (I AM). Physically it tunes your body to the OM vibration where you enter a state of balanced wholeness ideal for healing and higher consciousness.



The Minerals – 13 Tuning Forks $525.00 + Shipping and Handling
The Mineral Nutrients Tuning Forks are a set of 13 forks that tone the frequency of 13 different minerals that comprise the human body and bring them into harmony.
Selenium – C# 272 Hz
Molybdenum – F 336 Hz
Potassium – D# 304 Hz
Calcium – E 320 Hz
Chromium – G 384 Hz
Manganese – G# 400 Hz
Iron – Ab 416 Hz
Iodine – Ab 424 Hz
Copper – Bb 464 Hz
Phosphorus and Zinc – B 480Hz
Sodium – F# 352 Hz
Sulphur – C 256 Hz
Magnesium – F 341 Hz
Selenium – C# 272 Hz
Molybdenum – F 336 Hz
Potassium – D# 304 Hz
Calcium – E 320 Hz
Chromium – G 384 Hz
Manganese – G# 400 Hz
Iron – Ab 416 Hz
Iodine – Ab 424 Hz
Copper – Bb 464 Hz
Phosphorus and Zinc – B 480Hz
Sodium – F# 352 Hz
Sulphur – C 256 Hz
Magnesium – F 341 Hz


Bio-resonance – 2 Tuning Forks $384.00 + Shipping and Handling
The Bio-resonance set uses tuning forks to create specific frequencies called difference tones. The different tones are related to Theta, Delta, Alpha, and Beta brain wave patterns. Delta waves vibrate at 1-4 cps and are associated with deep sleep. Theta Waves vibrate at 5-8 cps and are associated with deep meditation bordering on sleep and long trains of thought between dreaming and sleeping. Alpha Waves vibrate at 9-11 cps and are associated with relaxed awareness, being awake and centered during activity, meditation, problem-solving, and creative thinking. Beta waves vibrate at 12-14 cps and are related to quick thinking, restlessness, and being high-strung.


The Planetary – 11 Tuning Forks - $504.00 + Shipping and Handling
By consciously directing the energy of each planet for healing and well-being, these tuning forks bring new dimensions to your Astrology readings, enhance bodywork and acupuncture sessions, or for personal meditation and growth.
Sun 126.22 Hz, sound C, Astrology – Leo zodiac sign
Venus 221.23 Hz, sound A, Astrology – Libra, Taurus
Earth 194.18 Hz, sound G, Astrology – Virgo, Taurus
Moon 210.42 Hz, sound G#, Astrology - Cancer
Mars 144.72 Hz, sound D, Astrology – Aries
Jupiter 183.58 Hz, sound F#, Astrology - Sagittarius
Saturn 147.85 Hz, sound D, Astrology - Capricorn
Uranus 207.36 Hz, sound G#, Astrology - Aquarius
Neptune 211.44 Hz, sound G#, Astrology - Pisces
Pluto 140.25 Hz, sound C#, Astrology - Scorpio
Mercury 141.27 Hz, sound D, Astrology - Gemini, Virgo


DNA 528 Hz - $130.00 + Shipping and Handling
This frequency harmonizes with the spinal cord, making appropriate changes in the structures of cells within the framework of tuning itself to the healthy frequency of DNA. This renews DNA cells, makes you look younger, helps with water stagnation, stops the aging process, opens your heart to unconditional love, and can even help with genetic diseases.


DNA Nucleotides – 4 Tuning Fork set - $244.00 + Shipping and Handling
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms. The main role of DNA molecules is the long-term storage of information. These DNA nucleotide forks are carefully constructed to activate body chemicals that are the very essence of life – A - Adenine 545.6 Hz, G- Guanine 550 Hz, C -Cytosine 537.8 Hz, T - Thymine 543.4 Hz. Suited for: genetic problems, autism, Down syndrome, and anti-aging.


Special Mineral Nutrients – 4 Tuning Forks - $280.00 + Shipping and Handling
1. Gold (316 Hz) Brain function, Vitality, Longevity, Restful Sleep, anticancer
2. Silver (376 Hz) Natural Antibiotic
3. Platinum (312 Hz) Fights Bacteria, Fungus, Viruses
4. Silica (448 Hz) Formation of Collagen in Bone, Cartilage & Connective Tissue
2. Silver (376 Hz) Natural Antibiotic
3. Platinum (312 Hz) Fights Bacteria, Fungus, Viruses
4. Silica (448 Hz) Formation of Collagen in Bone, Cartilage & Connective Tissue


Solfeggio set of 10 tuning forks - $510.00 + Shipping and Handling
174 – Reduce physical & emotional pain(Karmic), safety, security
UT 285 – Returns tissues to its original form, rejuvenation, and influences energy fields (Karmic)
RE 396 – Turn grief into joy, liberating guilt & fear
MI 417 – Facilitate change, undoing situations
FA 528 – Transformation & miracles, opens the heart for love
SOL 639 – Reconnecting, balancing relationships
LA 741 – Expressions/solutions, solving problems,
852 – Return to the spiritual order, awaking intuition
963 – Light & Spirit connection, awakens systems to perfect state
1122- The power of so-called ‘Master frequency’, Oneness, ALL in ONE


UT 285 – Returns tissues to its original form, rejuvenation, and influences energy fields (Karmic)
RE 396 – Turn grief into joy, liberating guilt & fear
MI 417 – Facilitate change, undoing situations
FA 528 – Transformation & miracles, opens the heart for love
SOL 639 – Reconnecting, balancing relationships
LA 741 – Expressions/solutions, solving problems,
852 – Return to the spiritual order, awaking intuition
963 – Light & Spirit connection, awakens systems to perfect state
1122- The power of so-called ‘Master frequency’, Oneness, ALL in ONE


RIFE "BIG FOUR" - $260 + Shipping and Handling
Product Details:
The most important frequencies that Royal Rife used for therapy in the treatment of various diseases:
- 727Hz: General frequency for many health problems, especially recommended for sinus cleansing and allergies.
- 787Hz: Known as the "Cure All" frequency. It revives the senses, awakens the soul, and enables spiritual practitioners to maintain a connection to consciousness.
- 800Hz: Stimulates the regeneration of the whole body, especially recommended for osteoporosis.
- 880Hz: Provides healing benefits for major energy centers, spiritual awakening, and clean, beautiful skin. It has been used for various health issues including abdominal inflammation, acne, pain, infections, arthritis, asthma, cancer, diabetes, and many others. In addition, Royal Rife used 880 Hz for:
abdominal inflammation, abscesses, acidosis, acne, acute pain, tonsils, adenovirus, adhesions, AIDS, allergy, alopecia, amenorrhoea, pruritus anal, aneurysm, angina pectoris, ankylosing spondylitis, stroke_paralysis, appendicitis , lack of appetite, atherosclerosis, Arthritis, Asthma, Ataxia, Athlete's foot, poisoning, Bacteria, infections, Back pain, Bacterial infections, Barrett's esophagus, Bedwetting, Pressure sores, Paralysis, Gallbladder, Bladder, Prostate ailments, Blood diseases , periodontal_diseases, bone_injuries, myoma_cysts, bronchitis, secondary infections, burns, Bursitis, Cancer, Leukemia, Melanoma, Rhabdomyosarcoma, Candida, Cataract, Cataract, Runny nose, Cervicitis, Cholera, Chronic_fatigue_syndrome, Cold in the body , Colitis_and_diarrhoea, General_colonic_problems, Conjunctivitis, Constipation, Convulsions, Rib pain, Cramps, Nausea, Crohn's disease, Anal problems, Cystic fibrosis, Chronic cystitis, Deafness, Tooth infections, Detox_and_lymphs, Diabetes, Diarrhea, Dysmenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea pepsia, Ear conditions, Edema, Emphysema, Entamoeba_histolytica (parasites), Bedwetting, Epicondylitis, Epididymitis, Epilepsy, Epstein Barr_virus, Erysipelas, Esophagus, Eustachian_tube inflammation, Eye problems, Glaucoma, Facial paralysis, Fever, General fibroids, Fibromyalgia, Fistula/Sep od , Flatulence, Fractures-_treatment, Frostbite, immobilized arm, Fungi_and_molds, Furunculosis, Antiseptic, General_prophylaxis, Gingivitis, Gout, Sand in the urine, Graves_and_goiter, Guillain_Barre_Syndrome, Halitosis, Hallucinations, Hay fever, Headaches, Tonic heart, reflux , Helicobacter_pylori, Hemorrhoids, Hepatitis_C, Hepatitis - inflammation of the liver, Herpes_simplex_I_2, shingles, hip pain, hoarseness, hot flashes, hydrocele, hypertension, hypotension, hypoxia, Stabilization_of the_immune_system, Stimulation_of the_immune_system, Impotence, Palsy, General_infections , infertility, influenza, respiratory pain, virus_flu , Insomnia, Intercostal Neuralgia, Intestinal_Problems_Colon, Enteritis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Itching, Jaundice, Kidney_Failure, Stimulation_Nerve, Kidney Stones, Kidney_Tonic_General, Knee_Ache, Giardia, etc.
The most important frequencies that Royal Rife used for therapy in the treatment of various diseases:
- 727Hz: General frequency for many health problems, especially recommended for sinus cleansing and allergies.
- 787Hz: Known as the "Cure All" frequency. It revives the senses, awakens the soul, and enables spiritual practitioners to maintain a connection to consciousness.
- 800Hz: Stimulates the regeneration of the whole body, especially recommended for osteoporosis.
- 880Hz: Provides healing benefits for major energy centers, spiritual awakening, and clean, beautiful skin. It has been used for various health issues including abdominal inflammation, acne, pain, infections, arthritis, asthma, cancer, diabetes, and many others. In addition, Royal Rife used 880 Hz for:
abdominal inflammation, abscesses, acidosis, acne, acute pain, tonsils, adenovirus, adhesions, AIDS, allergy, alopecia, amenorrhoea, pruritus anal, aneurysm, angina pectoris, ankylosing spondylitis, stroke_paralysis, appendicitis , lack of appetite, atherosclerosis, Arthritis, Asthma, Ataxia, Athlete's foot, poisoning, Bacteria, infections, Back pain, Bacterial infections, Barrett's esophagus, Bedwetting, Pressure sores, Paralysis, Gallbladder, Bladder, Prostate ailments, Blood diseases , periodontal_diseases, bone_injuries, myoma_cysts, bronchitis, secondary infections, burns, Bursitis, Cancer, Leukemia, Melanoma, Rhabdomyosarcoma, Candida, Cataract, Cataract, Runny nose, Cervicitis, Cholera, Chronic_fatigue_syndrome, Cold in the body , Colitis_and_diarrhoea, General_colonic_problems, Conjunctivitis, Constipation, Convulsions, Rib pain, Cramps, Nausea, Crohn's disease, Anal problems, Cystic fibrosis, Chronic cystitis, Deafness, Tooth infections, Detox_and_lymphs, Diabetes, Diarrhea, Dysmenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea pepsia, Ear conditions, Edema, Emphysema, Entamoeba_histolytica (parasites), Bedwetting, Epicondylitis, Epididymitis, Epilepsy, Epstein Barr_virus, Erysipelas, Esophagus, Eustachian_tube inflammation, Eye problems, Glaucoma, Facial paralysis, Fever, General fibroids, Fibromyalgia, Fistula/Sep od , Flatulence, Fractures-_treatment, Frostbite, immobilized arm, Fungi_and_molds, Furunculosis, Antiseptic, General_prophylaxis, Gingivitis, Gout, Sand in the urine, Graves_and_goiter, Guillain_Barre_Syndrome, Halitosis, Hallucinations, Hay fever, Headaches, Tonic heart, reflux , Helicobacter_pylori, Hemorrhoids, Hepatitis_C, Hepatitis - inflammation of the liver, Herpes_simplex_I_2, shingles, hip pain, hoarseness, hot flashes, hydrocele, hypertension, hypotension, hypoxia, Stabilization_of the_immune_system, Stimulation_of the_immune_system, Impotence, Palsy, General_infections , infertility, influenza, respiratory pain, virus_flu , Insomnia, Intercostal Neuralgia, Intestinal_Problems_Colon, Enteritis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Itching, Jaundice, Kidney_Failure, Stimulation_Nerve, Kidney Stones, Kidney_Tonic_General, Knee_Ache, Giardia, etc.


40Hz Tuning fork 40hz - $204.00 + Shipping and Handling
After completing research through the MIT Team with 40 Hz stimulation, a positive prognosis was obtained in the effectiveness of this frequency in preventing the onset of Alzheimer's disease in high volunteers, as well as its therapeutic potential for Parkinson's disease and Down syndrome. Cognito Therapeutics, an MIT spin-off co-founded by Tsai and co-author Ed Boyden, professor of neurotechnology Y. Eva Tan at MIT, has begun a Phase 3 study of 40 Hz sensory stimulation as a treatment for Alzheimer's disease.


12 Meridians Set - $563 + Shipping and Handling
The 12 meridian frequencies for our 12 meridians of the body.
"Tune your body's meridians and associated Internal Organs! Your meridians are the bloodstream of your body's energy". ~ Donna Eden
There are 12 main meridians. Each meridian is named after the main organ or system that it supports: lung meridian, colon meridian, stomach meridian, spleen-pancreas meridian, heart meridian, small intestine meridian, bladder meridian, kidney meridian, pericardium meridian, triple-warmer meridian related to body temperature and managing the spinal cord and the functioning of other meridians, gallbladder meridian, liver meridian. Dr. Barbara Hero discovered in her research that different organs of our body have specific musical tones with specific frequencies measured in hertz. These specific sound healing frequencies were verified in her research as meridian frequencies.


Quartz stone tuning fork boot with the key to fit - $98 + Shipping and Handling
In addition to its ability to act on acupuncture or acupressure points, the stone with its quartz energy brings therapeutic, healing, and rejuvenating effects. It is especially recommended for facial points for beauty, e.g. added to 128Hz or 40Hz, 136.1hz, or 32hz, etc. This tuning fork boot can be added to any tuning fork recommended by our Tune&Heal or The Sound Academy centers. Our tuning fork boots are the largest in the world market, they are of high quality with all certificates to meet the standards, just like our tuning forks. To learn more please sign up for our training courses with accreditation or read more about it on our websites.



Massage Tuning Fork boot with a key to fit - $108 + Shipping and Handling
Recommended especially for facial points for beauty and for massage/lymphatic drainage, it works well with 128Hz 40Hz or 32hz, etc. This tuning fork boot prolongs the sound activation and can be added to any tuning fork recommended by our Tune&Heal or The Sound Academy centers. Our tuning fork boots are the largest in the world market. They are of high quality with all certificates to meet the standards, just like our tuning forks. To learn more please sign up for our training courses with accreditation or read more about it on our websites.


Pineal gland tuning fork 963 Hz - $132 + Shipping and Handling
The 963 Hz sound frequency is associated with the activation of the pineal gland, intuition, higher spiritual development, and increased positive energy. It is known as the "pure miracle tone" and the "frequency of God." 963 Hz, through its ability to activate the pineal gland, regulates the production of melatonin, which allows you to improve the quality of sleep, get rid of stress, and appear younger. It relaxes and allows old agendas, situations, etc. to go away. It also activates the crown chakra to connect with the source and the entire population of humanity in universal love. This tuning fork can be used for emotional healing, but also has applications for both changing cognitive thought processes related to mental therapy, as well as producing physical healing effects and counteracting illness or injury by enhancing the positive morphic field (quantum field information).

5 Archangels Set - $260 + Shipping and Handling
5D realm and 3D/4D transformation, protection, spiritual growth, 5D healing, higher consciousness, happiness, universal love, powerful help of the 5 archangels
Archangel Raphael 999Hz, Archangel Metatron 1111Hz, Archangel Uriel 2222Hz, Archangel Michael 3333Hz, Archangel Gabriel 4444Hz


5 Archangels Set - $260 + Shipping and Handling
5D realm and 3D/4D transformation, protection, spiritual growth, 5D healing, higher consciousness, happiness, universal love, powerful help of the 5 archangels
Archangel Raphael 999Hz, Archangel Metatron 1111Hz, Archangel Uriel 2222Hz, Archangel Michael 3333Hz, Archangel Gabriel 4444Hz

If you have a special order (any frequency starts from $119 per tuning fork) or any other questions, please send us an email at: tune8heal@gmail.com